5 fandom friday

5 Fandom Friday: Magical Items I Would Love To Own

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I haven’t done a 5 Fandom Friday post in a good while, so I’m back at it! This week’s prompt asked what 5 magical items I would love to own, and I immediately thought, “What are all the cool things from the world of Harry Potter that I want?” Because magic = Harry Potter. It also = pretty much anything related to Disney and Tom Hiddleston’s bum. Hehe 😀

1. wand

This is self explanatory, right? ACCIO ALL THE THINGS. I would prefer to have a golden wand with a pretty crystal on top though, please and thank you.

2. a pretty unicorn

[photo credit:Diana Peterfreund]

I mean… DUH. Why wouldn’t I want a unicorn? And you know what would be especially awesome about having a unicorn? I won’t have to clean its poop because rainbows, fruity flavored gourmet marshmallows, and ice cream are what comes out of a unicorn’s bumhole. No dodo patrol! Just rainbows and an endless supply of marshmallows and ice cream.

Do you think French unicorns poop out macarons? Hmmm…

3. a remembrall

[photo credit: Magical Mendelian Genetics]

This might be useless because what if I pull a Neville and forget what it was that I’ve forgotten? Or maybe it’ll be useful for when I pack for trips because I’m always forgetting to pack something. Maybe seeing the red smoke appear will make me think harder about the things I’m supposed to pack. I’ll never know if it works unless I have one!

4. Nimbus 2000


[photo credit: CineReplicas]

The ability to apparate would be super helpful, but I suppose a Nimbus 2000 would suffice to help me get around in case I want to take the scenic route with a bird’s eye view. Since I’m afraid of heights I figure I can just use the aforementioned wand to create a charm around myself so I won’t freak out. And yeah, I know that there are other broom models that are probably superior to the Nimbus 2000, but I think it just looks a lot nicer. 😛

5. Mary Poppins’ carpet bag


A bag that’s bigger on the inside? Yes please and thank you! I suppose I’d be able to use a wand like Hermione to make any bag bigger on the inside, but #lazy.

What are some magical items you would like to have? Let me know in the comments!


To find out the origins of 5 Fandom Friday, go here. And check out The Nerdy Girlie and SuperSpaceChick to catch up with the latest prompts! 

7 thoughts on “5 Fandom Friday: Magical Items I Would Love To Own

    1. Thank you! And I honestly didn’t even notice the Silence in the rememberall when I looked up pics on Google. Or did I just forget he was there? Wait… what were we talking about? Oh, look a rememberall!


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