5 fandom friday

5 Fandom Friday: Favorite Fictional Female Besties

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Hey my little ponies! Today marks a very special holiday that Parks & Recreation, my favorite show EVER, has introduced to the world: Galentine’s Day! The original prompt for this week’s installment of 5 Fandom Friday was to list our favorite fictional couples that we ship. But In honor of this momentous holiday, I’m going to be listing my top 5 favorite fictional female besties instead 😀

Have you not seen Parks & Rec and don’t know what Galentine’s Day is? LE GASP. It’s on Netflix, so you have no excuse to not watch it. I don’t care if you’re a busy woman. YOU NEED TO WATCH THIS SHOW. But here’s a little snippet that explains exactly what Galentine’s Day is all aboot:

Without further ado, here are five of my favorite fictional female besties!

1. Ann Perkins & Leslie Knope


A post inspired by Galentine’s Day would be nothing if I didn’t list Ann and Leslie as one of my favorite female bestie duos! Ann loves Leslie even though she can be overbearing and intense, but Leslie just has so much love to give and she means well, which Ann knows and that’s why their friendship works. Plus Ann knows exactly what to do when Leslie needs someone, especially when Ben fails at it. Remember when she stopped them both from getting tattoos by the skeevy pawnshop guy? YOU HAD ONE JOB, BEN!

2. Abbi Abrams & Ilana Wexler


I love Broad City soooo much and these girls are effing fearless! Ilana constantly reminds me that I need to tell my girlfriends that they all have the ass of an angel. She’s extremely complimentary of Abbi, and Ilana even unclogged Abbi’s toilet after she took a dump during a blackout and got rid of the poop when Abbi’s crush/neighbor came over. I mean, THAT is love and a level of friendship I will probably never get to, because poop.

3. Daria Morgendorffer & Jane Lane


Misery loves company, which is why I love Jane and Daria. It’s the basis of their whole friendship! They’re full of snark and wit, and know the true value of pizza. These two definitely set a standard for what I looked for in a friend as a youngin’. Not sure what that says about me, but there ya go.

4. Cher Horowitz & Dionne Davenport


Another ’90s bestie duo that I love dearly! I watched this movie when I was just a little third grader, and I thought Cher and Di were so cool. Sure, they had their shallow and stuck up moments, but they did help bring Miss Geist and Mr. Hall together, and gave the newbie Tai a total makeover with no hidden agenda. And Di never made fun of Cher for being a virgin who can’t drive. Way harsh, Tai. That’s why you’re not on the list. 😛

5. The ladies of The Golden Girls


Watching The Golden Girls now as an adult shows me that friendships pretty much stays the same no matter how old you are. We’ll still talk about boys, things we hope to accomplish, get into silly shenanigans, and solve problems with cheesecake and ice cream. That’s why I love these ladies!

Happy Galentine’s Day!!! Who are your favorite fictional female besties?


To find out the origins of 5 Fandom Friday, go here. And check out The Nerdy Girlie and SuperSpaceChick to catch up with the latest prompts! 

18 thoughts on “5 Fandom Friday: Favorite Fictional Female Besties

  1. What a great idea! I’m trying to think of who my 5 favorite fictional girl BFFs would be. Leslie and Ann would definitely be one. The fact that I can’t really think of any beyond that means the world is very lacking in movies and shows with this kind of friendship.


    1. Thank you, Jo! I had hard time coming up with this list — I thought it was going to be much easier when I came up with the idea too. But alas! The world needs more iconic female besties on the big and little screen.


  2. Oh gosh, awesome list! Obviously, Leslie and Anne are fabulous, and there will always be a special place in my heart for Daria and Jane. If I were to add any besties to the list, I’d pick Tank Girl and Jet Girl from the Tank Girl comics. Those two are bad-ass!


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