5 fandom friday

5 Fandom Friday: Comfort Foods That Always Make Me Feel Better


I missed last week’s 5 Fandom Friday because I was working on my Mabel Pines Halloween costume! My thumb is still sore from all the hand sewing I did. Ugh! I’ll be doing a little post about my costume this weekend though. But anyhow, the theme last week was “The Halloween Candy I Always Hope for When Trick-or-Treating,” so I’ll go ahead and list my favorites really quickly: Twix, Tootsie Pops, Dots, Whoppers, and Starbursts.

And now, onto today’s list of my favorite comfort foods! And for anyone who knows me personally, then it’s no surprise that there’s going to be a lot of chicken and pesto, and pictures of food with toys.

1. Sandwiches

Oh, sandwiches. Sammies. Sandoozles. Adam Sandlers. Whatever you call ’em, I love ’em! I’m quite fond of anything that involves chicken and pesto, but I also love turkey sammiches with avocado and tomatoes. Other sammich fillings I like are sprouts and cucumbers.

2. Waffles

Waffles are like pancakes, but with more depth. Ha! Get it? If you throw some chicken on them too, I’m down for that as well. And of course, I absolutely LOVE Belgian style waffles with strawberries and whipped cream. Om nom nom.

3. Pizza

Pizzas are basically hot, open-faced sandwiches. Am I right? My favorite toppings are chicken, artichoke, and pesto. Duh.

4. Cookies

As much as I love cheesecake, tiramisu, and macarons, cookies are my favorite dessert to turn to when I’m in need of comfort. Chocolate Chip and Snickerdoodle are my ultimate favorites, but I’m not opposed to ANY kind of cookie (except for the burnt kind, ew) — not even oatmeal raisin. I don’t know why it gets such a bad wrap. I mean, just because it has raisins doesn’t mean it should be condemned! Just gimme a cookie and I’m a happy camper.

5. Dole Pineapple Whip

My list wouldn’t be complete if I didn’t add something from the Happiest Place on Earth’s endless menu of delicious treats. Dole Pineapple Whip is one of my favorite things to get at Disneyland, which is basically my home away from home! Being at Disneyland alone is comforting enough, but when you throw food into the mix, it only makes it that much better. Dole Whip can be found at fro-yo places sometimes, which is nice because then I can always get that little bit of Disney even when I’m not there. But let’s be honest: Dole Whip tastes MUCH better when you’re eating it at Disneyland. 🙂

What are your favorite comfort foods, my little ponies?


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