5 fandom friday

5 Fandom Friday: Characters I Would Name My Fur Babies After

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Before I became a dog owner fur baby’s mama, I always fantasized about naming my future pups after public figures — a Pomeranian named Coco Chanel, a Welsh Corgi named Winston Churchill, and a French Bulldog named Jacque Cousteau. And all the names I came up with for my phantom children were all from TV shows — Chandler from Friends, Lucca from ER, and Lorelai from Gilmore Girls. However, I decided 5 years ago that I don’t want children of my own, and NO, I will not change my mind about it!

Since the original post for this week’s 5 Fandom Friday is “Characters I Would Name My Kids After,” I decided to tweak it a bit and talk about characters I would totally name my future puppies after. As you all know, I have my Rory who was named after Rory Williams from Doctor Who. 🙂


The other name I considered for Rory was Simon, as in Simon Tam from Firefly. The name Rory ultimately won out because I was very hellbent on naming him after someone from Doctor Who, and didn’t care that my family thought the name was “ugly.”

Anyhow, here are the names of characters I would name my fur babies after:

1. Alfred Pennyworth from Batman


Don’t tell Rory, but I adore Mini Schnauzers! They’re one of my most favorite dog breeds because they look like little old men. I decided many years ago that when I do eventually get a Schnauzer baby I will name him after Bruce Wayne’s trusty butler, Alfred Pennyworth. I’ll call him Alfie for short too! 🙂

Fun Fact: Michael Caine has played both Alfred Pennyworth in the The Dark Knight trilogy and the titular role of Alfie.

2. Andy Dwyer from Parks & Recreation


Andy Dwyer is basically a Yellow Labrador Retriever in human form, so Andy is quite a fitting name for a pup! I don’t necessarily want to get a Yellow Lab and name him Andy. I think the name would work for any kind of pup, as long as it had a really silly personality.

3. Burton “Chocolate Thunder” Guster from Psyche 


If I were to get a Chocolate Lab, his name would be Guster, but Gus for short and I’d also call him Chocolate Thunder because DUH. Chocolate Lab. In every episode of Psyche, whenever Shaun introduces Gus he always gives him a really silly name, Chocolate Thunder being one of them. I don’t remember which episode it was, but after I watched it I told myself that one day I will get a Chocolate Lab and name it after Gus and also bestow him with the nickname “Chocolate Thunder.”

4. Joan Holloway from Mad Men

Joan Holloway -1

I’m more of a boy-dog person, and I think that’s only because I can only ever think of boy names that I like. But one day I’d love to have a fluffy daughter because seeing all the girly things at pet stores drives me mad! I like the name Joan, as in Joan Holloway (I know her last name is Harris now, but i reject it), for a girl pup. She’s my favorite character on Mad Men, and I think her name is suitable for a fluffy little lass. I’d also call her Joanie. 🙂

5. Zoe Washburne from Firefly


Zoe is another name I like for a little girl pup. And if I named my fluffy daughter Zoe, her namesake would be Zoe Washburne from Firefly, of course! Zoe is a BAMF. All the characters I listed are BAMF! So I guess it’s a rule of thumb that all my dog sons and daughters are to be named after fictional BAMFs. 🙂

Bonus Name: Oliver “Ollie” Queen from Arrow


I started watching Arrow a couple weeks ago — I’m all done with season 2, but I have no idea where to go to watch season 3. WAAAH!!! But anyhow, I love the name Oliver (Ollie for funsies) and think it’s such a good name for a dog! If I had a fur baby named Ollie, I’d dress him up in green sweaters too 😀

Do you have any fur babies named after your favorite character? Or what characters would you name your fur babies after? Tell me in the comments section!


To find out the origins of 5 Fandom Friday, go here. And check out The Nerdy Girlie and SuperSpaceChick to catch up with the latest prompts! 



If at first you don’t succeed…

Well… I didn’t find much success at yesterday’s craft faire. To be honest, my expectations weren’t too high. I had never been to Rio Linda before until after dropping off my application in person at the Community Center last week. It’s a small town, from what I saw it kind of had a Pawnee (from Parks & Recreation) vibe. I wasn’t too sure if there’d be many geeky folks in attendance, so I made tons of Downton Abbey necklaces just in case since that’s the least geekiest thing I have in my inventory.  I still hoped to sell at least a few necklaces there… five at the least. Technically, I did reach my goal. Tim and his bff/roomie Sam bought two necklaces each the night before when we were doing inventory and then I sold one at the faire — the 10th Doctor with a kitty cat >^__^<

I don’t feel completely defeated by it though. I don’t think all the prep work I did days beforehand were for naught (holy crap, did I bust my ass working on getting things ready for this faire!). It was an interesting experience, and I did get some interest from a few  people that actually knew where my things were from (Once Upon a Time, Doctor Who, Ron Swanson, etc)!

I’m still surprised that only one person took me up on my free candy offer though. Just take my left over Halloween candy, people! o__0

I’m hoping to open up my Etsy store again this coming weekend. I’ll let you all know when it’s ready to go! And in the meantime, I’m going to look into vending at places where my goods will appeal to a bigger majority of the audience in attendance. 🙂


PS: A big ‘ol shout out to Tim and my mom for helping me out! Thank you both immensely for supporting me and my crafty endeavors 😀

geek style

Once Upon a Bauble…

Hey my little ponies! I’ve been absent from le blog for a bit because…

  1. Both of my jobs are keeping me busy. Way too busy, in my opinion. But hey, mama needs $$$
  2. Number 1 has kept me away from doing outfit shoots. 😦
  3. In my spare time I’ve been working on new necklaces for my Etsy store, which has been rebranded as Le Fancy Geek Boutique! 🙂

For those that follow me on Instagram, you already knew about #3 as I’ve been posting photos of my latest creations every so often. I’m really excited with the way they’re turning out! I promise they don’t look all blurry like they do in the picture above though. I still need to tweak with the other designs I came up with. My 11th Doctor and Rory images printed out too dark and the Stormtrooper’s head needs to be reduced in size since the glass magnifies the image a bit. <— that sounds like gibberish. o,0

And there are still some other non-bezel pieces that I need to work on before I open up shop again. I have some little Lego looking Doctor Who toys that I’m going to be making necklaces out of just in time for the 50th anniversary!

Do you see any of your favorite characters in there?


bloop · geek style

Things that I want for my birthday, but will probably not get

My birthday is in exactly one week! AHH!!! I know some people that aren’t really into birthdays and don’t make a big deal out of them. I, on the other hand, am the complete opposite. Shanice and I share the same philosophy about our birthdays being all about “Me, me, me!” — you have to do whatever the hell I want to do and when I want to do it! I AM THE QUEEN, GENUFLECT!  My mom shares the same sentiment as well — this is where my birthday obsession stems from. 🙂

One thing that sucks about having a birthday a few weeks after Christmas is that everyone is broke from all the present shopping and after-Christmas sales. *sigh*

I decided to compile a list of things I wish I could unwrap from fancy wrapping paper (or take out of pretty gift bags hidden with tissue paper) on my birthday, but most likely will not since I’m sure no one will get any of the following for me…

  • Doctor Who DVDs

Specifically the complete series 6 DVD set and the David Tennant collection. I saw the latter at Best Buy for $130, which is actually a REALLY REALLY good deal because each series (or season as us yanks call them) are over $60. But I just checked Best Buy’s website and now it’s $180. WTF? Did I misread the one at the store? *confuzzled*

The 6th series was the sole thing I asked for last Christmas, but I was told that it was too expensive. :/

  • Hamm piggy bank (from Toy Story)

Why not? And it’s on sale for $12.99 at the Disney Store!

  • Disney Couture Dumbo carousel necklace

I’ve been wanting this necklace for ages. And I absolutely adore carousels. The first piece of writing I ever had published was an essay called “Hop on the Horse” in which I compared life to riding a carousel. Also, the necklace is Disney… Disney + carousel = big effing deal to me!

I’m actually debating on buying this with some money I got for Christmas. Tim and I are planning on going to Dapper Day at Disneyland next month and this dress would be PERFECT. I’ve also been searching for a burgundy pussy bow top since October and though, this is a dress, I think I prefer it better than any ‘ol shirt.

  • Looking for Alaska by John Green

I want this or any other book by John Green. I haven’t read any of his works yet, but I’ve read quotes by him on Tumblr and seen videos of him on YouTube. From what little exposure I’ve had of John Green, I have come to the conclusion that he needs to be my male bestie. FOR SERIOUS. This dude is hilarious and intelligent. Check out this video of him listing the 5 worst typos:

  • Joan Holloway v-neck shirt

Look at how sick this shirt is! I want to wear this with my black vest and silver pen necklace like the one Joan wears in Mad Men. This tee can be found on RebBubble.

  • Star Wars headphones

I am in dire need of new headphones, and I disdain earbuds. They hurt my ears. I need something nice and cushiony, and why not nerdy too? These Star Wars headphones are perfect for me! I saw the Boba Fett ones when I went to Sacramento last week and they were on sale for a really decent price. I’m kicking myself for not buying them! 😦

  • Kurt Halsey poster

It’s a bit ridiculous how long I’ve been wanting this poster (4 years!). It’s been on sale at Art Star Gallery for a really long time too.

Soo, yeah. That’s all the stuff I can think of at the top of my head that I’d like for me birthday. I’m pretty sure that I’ll think of other things that could’ve been on this list, but oh well!