bloop · geek style

Where I’ve Been

As some of you may know, I’m also a fashion writer for Wear Your Voice Mag! I started a series called Fashion Faux Pas for the 30-Something where I feature a so-called faux pas and show how you can still rock it even if you’re 30 and over… or in my case, about to be 30! In my latest one I wrote about something near and dear to my to me: My Little Pony! Can you believe some people don’t approve of grown ass women (and men) owning MLP swag?! Check out the article here.

And here’s a list of some of the other articles I’ve done over the last few months that I totally forgot to share here:

Adopting the “Who Gives a F*ck” Attitude for a Body Positive Vacation (in which I write about how to stay positive about your self image whilst on vacation)
Comic-Con Fashionista Creates Her Own Rules (interview with Amanda Jean in which we talk about where she gets her style inspiration from )
Modern Pinup and Rockabilly Fashion at Tatyana (a review on Tatyana’s SF location)
A Cultural Invasion Hits Urban Stitch Boutique (independent designers from the UK featured in a Bay Area boutique)
Bay Area Ladies Brunch it Up With Geeky Flair (the inaugural Bay Area Geek Girl Brunch!)
Style Profile: Adriana Green of Trig & Polished (in which I interview fashion blogger Adriana Green about her personal style and where she seeks inspiration)


geek style

A Shiny Wish List for SDCC

Brace yourselves, COMIC-CON IS COMING.

In the past years I haven’t been a wise shopper. Just because something is “exclusive” doesn’t necessarily mean I must own it, right? I’m going to attempt to be a bit more strict on what I spend my precious monies on this time around, but there are some exclusives that have me doing the heart-eye emoji BIG TIME.

Sparkly Darth Vader coin purse by Loungefly



How fabulous is this sparkly Darth Vader coin purse?! I have a ton of coin purses at home, and I actually just took all my coins to the bank to cash them, buuut… I mean… this would be a practical purchase. <— it’s DARTH VADER. Of course I’m trying to justify my want for it!

Firefly necklace by Quantum Mechanix



OMG SO SHINY. I don’t think I need to explain why I want this. I mean… look at it!

  • Unmasked Captain America Pop! Figure by Funko


This little unmasked version of Captain America is too cute for words! It would be perfect to put alongside the Peggy Carter figure that’s coming out later this year too. Since Barnes & Noble will have a few Funko SDCC Exclusives, I’m asking my friend Jennifer to go and take a look to see if they have this little Cap figure so I won’t have to stand in that crazy long-ass line during the convention.

Doctor Who: 11th Doctor Pop! figure by Funko


The 11th Doctor is my favorite Doctor and purple is my favorite color, so that’s a completely justifiable reason to want this adorable rendition of him, right?

Direwolves plush set by Factory Entertainment


Last year I was on a mad hunt for a Grey Wind plushie, except the only ones that were in the exhibit hall were all prototypes. UGH. This year Factory Entertainment has an exclusive set featuring little 6 inch versions of Grey Wind, Ghost, and Nymeria. AHH!! I just might cave, you guys. I just might. O__O

pretty much EVERYTHING at the Her Universe booth


So none of these are officially exclusive, at least not that I know of, but HOLYCRAP! Her Universe just released images of a few new items making their debut at SDCC and everything looks AMAZING!!! I’m particularly stoked for the Peter Pan collar Avengers top and Agent Carter t-shirt. I saw on Instagram that there won’t be any plus size Agent Carter tees available since they didn’t have enough shirts, but I’m hoping I’ll be able to squeeze into an XL. crosses fingers – 


What swag are you most looking forward to getting your hands on?


5 fandom friday

5 Fandom Friday: My Favorite Funko Pop! Figures

5 fandom 2

A friend of mine once asked how many Funko Pop! vinyl figures I own, and I had to stop and think about it for a good 2 minutes. I lost track of all the figures I own, but I know it’s well over 20! With so many choices, how am I supposed to narrow down my top 5 favorite for this week’s 5 Fandom Friday?! I tried my best to not list all my Disney ones to make the list more diverse, but alas. A good majority of my collection are Disney characters (because I’m the biggest Disnerd, duh!).

1. Baymax

My Baymax figure is the biggest figure I own! My friend Jen got him for me for Christmas (he was originally supposed to be my birthday present) and she was super anxious to give it to me because she knew I would most likely buy it for myself. And I nearly did buy him! I put him on hold at Barnes & Noble, and then she had to keep telling me NOT to buy him. It took me a minute to figure out why. Haha!

2. Snow White

Snow White is my favorite princess, and one of the first Disney Pops I ever purchased (my very first Pop! figure would be Batman). I went pretty crazy when they came out the first Disney series — I got Maleficent, Woody, Buzz Lightyear, and Sulley along with Snow White. But Snow’s the fairest Pop! of them all! I found a set with 3 mini Disney princess figures that had a lil’ Snow White, so now I have two. 😀

3. Mary Poppins

I fangirl’d sooo hard when I saw a preview of the Mary Poppins figure a few years ago. I mean, look at her! She’s practically perfect in every way. 😉 Whoever designed her just completely nailed every little detail from her hat to her umbrella. Perfection!

4. Robb Stark & Grey Wind 

Okay, this is technically two, but I’m counting them as one because I feel that I can’t have one without the other. I got Robb at SDCC, and was on a mad hunt to find his dire wolf, Grey Wind. I didn’t know that Grey Wind was a 7-11 exclusive though (I could’ve sworn I saw him at Barnes & Noble when I still worked there), so he proved to be quite a challenge to acquire for a price below $50. I eventually found him at Stockton-Con, and he is the most priciest Pop! vinyl I own (I haggled and got him for $30). I DID IT FOR YOU, ROBB.

5. Loki

I’m sooo happy that Funko came out with another Loki figure with the pointy helmet! I wasn’t really crazy about the one sans helmet, and the first Loki figure they came out with is way too ‘spensive online, and his helmet wasn’t even gold. This one is just fantastic!

What are some of your favorite Pop! vinyls? Have you lost count of your collection like me? Lemme know in the comments!


To find out the origins of 5 Fandom Friday, go here. And check out The Nerdy Girlie and SuperSpaceChick to catch up with the latest prompts! 

geek style

The Snow Show

outfit details – skirt + hairbow: H&M // blazer: Living Doll (Crossroads Trading Co. find) // dress: BeBop // belt: Xhileration // boots: Steve Madden // necklace: Once Upon a Smorgasbord (buy similar here) // glasses: Derek Cardigan (buy here)

Since Tim and I both had Monday off, we headed to the Walt Disney Family Museum in San Francisco to check out the Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs: The Creation of a Classic exhibit. The show consisted of original concept art from the film and I’m such a nerd for that kind of stuff! Well, I’m a nerd for pretty much anything Disney, but I digress. Concept art from Disney movies are absolutely stunning, so it was an amazing experience to be able to see some of these sketches up close and personal. The details on some of them are incredible — if you look close enough you can see each pencil stroke the artist did and see just how hard they pressed their pencil against the paper.

I also got to learn a few things about the film that I never even knew about (and I know a lot about Disney)! Though Snow White is a beloved classic family film, Walt Disney originally intended that the movie be for adults. He told a journalist, “Before seven or eight, a child shouldn’t be in a theater at all. But I didn’t make the picture for children. I made it for adults — for the child that exists in all adults.”

Upon learning that Snow White was originally created for adults, I now understand why it scared me sh!tless as a child! I still like to refer to Snow White as my favorite “scary movie” or “horror film.” Hell, even the ride at Disneyland scares me! In my defense, it is called Snow White’s Scary Adventure, so… yeah. I think the Evil Queen is absolutely terrifying. Her transformation scene still gives me the heebie-jeebies, and during the exhibit I learned that artists studied the the transformation of Dr. Jekyll in order to truly get the Evil Queen’s done just right.

And of course, I had to dress accordingly to our trip to the museum by wearing the Snow White necklace I made featuring concept art by Gustaf Tenggren, whose art was shown and used on the banners and posters to promote the exhibit (up-close shot of necklace pictured below). I still have a similar one available in my Etsy store 🙂

If you find yourself in San Francisco before the 14th this month, definitely make a trip down to the museum. The show is insanely gorgeous, so definitely check it out if you can!


out & about

Some Geeks Get Left Behind

via Tumblr

Oh, Comic Con. I have such a love/hate relationship with you.

Last year I decided that I needed a break because the Con has gotten way too overwhelming over the past few years. My anxiety can’t take it (nor can my wallet)! And with their new method of purchasing badges last year, it took my sister and I 45 minutes to get through. And even then the 4-day badges completely sold out. SO FRUSTRATING.

But now that Comic Con officially starts today, I can’t help but feel a bit bummed that I’m not there to partake in the geeky festivities. sigh Seeing all sorts of Twitter, Tumblr, and Facebook updates about it colors me chartreuse (not all the way green, as I’m somewhat content).

I just keep reminding myself of how annoying it was waiting for hours on end to get into the exhibit hall, how overly crowded it was, how getting into panels isn’t as simple as it was before, how getting freebies at all the booths is a bitch now, and the B.O. Brigade (stinky folks everywhere!). And I impulse buy like nobody’s business, and when I get home I look at my loot and say, “Well what the hell am I gonna do with all this now?”

Here are some Con exclusives I would have totes gone for (and possibly regret later if I managed to get my hands on them):

Polly Pocket & Friends DC Comics Villains set, via Hasbro
Tiny Titans figure set, via Mattel
Sulley & Boo Pop Vinyl set, via Funko/Disney

I shall live vicariously through all the Comic Con updates I see over the interwebs. In the meantime, I guess I have Stockton’s first official comic book convention to look forward to next month.

bloop · geek style

Things that I want for my birthday, but will probably not get

My birthday is in exactly one week! AHH!!! I know some people that aren’t really into birthdays and don’t make a big deal out of them. I, on the other hand, am the complete opposite. Shanice and I share the same philosophy about our birthdays being all about “Me, me, me!” — you have to do whatever the hell I want to do and when I want to do it! I AM THE QUEEN, GENUFLECT!  My mom shares the same sentiment as well — this is where my birthday obsession stems from. 🙂

One thing that sucks about having a birthday a few weeks after Christmas is that everyone is broke from all the present shopping and after-Christmas sales. *sigh*

I decided to compile a list of things I wish I could unwrap from fancy wrapping paper (or take out of pretty gift bags hidden with tissue paper) on my birthday, but most likely will not since I’m sure no one will get any of the following for me…

  • Doctor Who DVDs

Specifically the complete series 6 DVD set and the David Tennant collection. I saw the latter at Best Buy for $130, which is actually a REALLY REALLY good deal because each series (or season as us yanks call them) are over $60. But I just checked Best Buy’s website and now it’s $180. WTF? Did I misread the one at the store? *confuzzled*

The 6th series was the sole thing I asked for last Christmas, but I was told that it was too expensive. :/

  • Hamm piggy bank (from Toy Story)

Why not? And it’s on sale for $12.99 at the Disney Store!

  • Disney Couture Dumbo carousel necklace

I’ve been wanting this necklace for ages. And I absolutely adore carousels. The first piece of writing I ever had published was an essay called “Hop on the Horse” in which I compared life to riding a carousel. Also, the necklace is Disney… Disney + carousel = big effing deal to me!

I’m actually debating on buying this with some money I got for Christmas. Tim and I are planning on going to Dapper Day at Disneyland next month and this dress would be PERFECT. I’ve also been searching for a burgundy pussy bow top since October and though, this is a dress, I think I prefer it better than any ‘ol shirt.

  • Looking for Alaska by John Green

I want this or any other book by John Green. I haven’t read any of his works yet, but I’ve read quotes by him on Tumblr and seen videos of him on YouTube. From what little exposure I’ve had of John Green, I have come to the conclusion that he needs to be my male bestie. FOR SERIOUS. This dude is hilarious and intelligent. Check out this video of him listing the 5 worst typos:

  • Joan Holloway v-neck shirt

Look at how sick this shirt is! I want to wear this with my black vest and silver pen necklace like the one Joan wears in Mad Men. This tee can be found on RebBubble.

  • Star Wars headphones

I am in dire need of new headphones, and I disdain earbuds. They hurt my ears. I need something nice and cushiony, and why not nerdy too? These Star Wars headphones are perfect for me! I saw the Boba Fett ones when I went to Sacramento last week and they were on sale for a really decent price. I’m kicking myself for not buying them! 😦

  • Kurt Halsey poster

It’s a bit ridiculous how long I’ve been wanting this poster (4 years!). It’s been on sale at Art Star Gallery for a really long time too.

Soo, yeah. That’s all the stuff I can think of at the top of my head that I’d like for me birthday. I’m pretty sure that I’ll think of other things that could’ve been on this list, but oh well!

geek style

Fairest in the [Disney] land

Yeah... lemme post a picture of me scratching my head (because this photo snaffu is the only decent picture I took today). Blurgh.

I read Tina Fey’s Bossy Pants earlier this year and a particular passage, “All Girls Must Be Everything,” has stuck with me since. In it, she mentions how she hates how brown hair is often just referred to as brown instead of brunette, and how blonde is always blonde — not yellow. She also talks about how she constantly calls blonde hair yellow (which I totally need to start doing) so her daughter won’t think that blonde hair is somewhat better; her daughter also has a reversible Sleeping Beauty/Snow White doll, and Tina says she constantly flipped it to the Snow White side, but her daughter always flipped it back to Sleeping Beauty. When she asked  her daughter why she didn’t like Snow White, she said it was because she didn’t like her hair.

“Snow White is better looking. I hate to stir up trouble among the princesses, but take away the hair and Sleeping Beauty is actually a little beat.”

Preach, Tina!

Although I must admit that Sleeping Beauty had a stint as my favorite because she had two dresses (pink and blue), three aliases (Briar Rose/Princess Aurora/Sleeping Beauty),  got to sleep for hella days, and scored the most handsome prince. Hell yes, I had a crush on Prince Philip. He has brown hair is a brunette and has his own stallion, which was really impressive to 5-year-old me. I also had a crush on Aladdin and Thomas from Pocahontas. Haha. 🙂

Designer Princess Snow White is über fancy.

Once Aladdin came out with Princess Jasmine, her and Snow White were the only Disney princesses with whom I physically related to because they were the only ones with black hair and brown eyes like me. Technically, Jasmine is Asian so you’d think I’d identify with her more, but her outfit was too sexy for me, and Snow White has a cool dress with pouffy sleeves. When I was in second grade I decided I wanted to be her for Halloween, and my sister was Princess Jasmine. But Auntie Nelly ended up buying me a  Jasmine costume too (which were made for prepubescent bodies, thus were not sexy), so I got to dress up twice! My sister was pretty pissed that I got two costumes, but it’s not my fault Auntie Nelly decided to order an extra costume for me without my knowledge.

I was hella tan back then too, so I looked more like Brown Dirt than Snow White. I’d post a picture of me wearing it, but…

  1. I don’t know where any of the photo albums are.
  2. I don’t know where the chord for that cool scanner thingy my mom bought me for Christmas last year is.

So here’s a picture of the adorable Snow White toy I got over the summer:

by Funko

I’m  unsure of who my most favorite princess is. All girls have their utmost faves, but mine constantly changes between Belle, Jasmine, Snow White, and Ariel. Snow’Dubs is currently my homegirl. I tried on a costume a few days ago at a Halloween store and I immediately wanted to go to Disneyland and wear it and ride Jingles the horse on King Arthur’s Carousel! Have you noticed how so many little girls wearing princess costumes like riding Jingles? He (or she?) is not a technically a princess horse but a nanny one as Mary Poppins’ silhouette is painted on its saddle (it has also been dedicated to Julie Andrews, who I LOVE).

Um… I’m digressing. What was I talking about? Oh, right, the Snow White costume! I wasn’t about to drop fifty on it, even though I know if I bought it I would find excuses to wear it around the house, so I’d probably get my money’s worth out of it. But still! $50 is too much. And it’s not even the costume I really want. I want the “Sassy Snow White” costume, which is licensed by Disney, thus why it is “Sassy” and not “Sexy” — I don’t think “sexy” is even in Disney’s vernacular. Why do I keep putting “sexy” in quotes?

Sassy vs. Non-Sassy


I’ll just stick with the Snow White pullover I scored at Forever 21. It’s super comfy and I layered it with my red and blue flannel (which I found in the dude’s sales section of H&M).  I’m completely obsessed with pullovers now BTW. I guess I’ll save that for another blog entry though.

PS: I caved in and joined Pinterest! If you have an account, feel free to follow me here. 🙂

  • pullover: Forever 21
  • shirt: H&M
geek style

Bargain Hunter

I’ve been on a really big Star Wars kick as of late. A couple weeks ago I found this really rad Boba Fett helmet at Target on sale for $10 (originally $40). It was the only one left, and I thought it would look cool on my bookshelf. I couldn’t pass it up! It was too good of a deal. And I’ve been wanting a Stormtrooper action figure for quite some time since I’ve seen people take really amazing pictures of them all over Flickr. Take a gander here. I got my own little Stormtrooper the same day I bought my helmet (and the green shirt I’m wearing pictured above, which was also on sale. SCORE!). I’m not quite sure what to do with him yet. I have some little toys and accessories to use for a silly photo shoot though.

And when I went to Target the other day (I frequent that place a lot, okay?), I found the Funko Star Wars bobble heads! My mom bought Yoda, and I got a Stormtrooper. I dunno why I keep buying things related to the Dark Side. I always thought I was more of a Jedi than a Sith. x___x

I don’t even know where any of our Star Wars DVDs are, or if we even have any! I know my family owns them on VHS, but I’m too lazy to set up my VCR (which is somewhere in the garage). Oh well. At least the whole saga is coming out on DVD/BluRay next month!

Since I can’t find any of the Star Wars DVDs we supposedly own, I’ll just crank this tune while I wear my Boba Fett helmet…

outfit details:

  • shirt/shorts/belt/ring: Target
  • boots: thrifted
  • necklace: Nordstroms
geek style

Green, Hamm & Eggs

Yesterday I went back to SPD for the first time in a month! Something always came up, so Jen and I would have to cancel our shifts — sickness, vacation, major holidays, etc. Who knew so many holidays fell on Mondays too? We ended up working on the “Lost Books” project; it’s where we’re given a list of books in each section and we take out the ones that aren’t supposed to be there. It’s rare that you actually find any misplaced books, but I ended up spending 4 hours reorganizing tons of shelves!

Afterwards, Jen wanted to take some pictures on her fancy Pentax camera with the new filter she bought, so I took my little Rex out for a shoot. And yes, sometimes I do carry a toy in my purse. I used to do it more frequently as I liked using toys to document the places I go. I’m trying to get back into the habit, no matter how odd it may be.

I got these really cute vinyl Disney toys by Funko over the weekend when I went to Sacramento, and I told Jen about it — so she asked if we could go to Sac so she could buy Buzz Lightyear. Despite the fact that there was a Disney Store across the bridge in San Francisco, she said she didn’t want to go there (SF rush hour… eww). So off to Sac we went!

This Hamm piggy bank matched my outfit. 😀

I didn’t think I’d be indulging in my inner child sooooo much yesterday. When I got dressed in the morning, I  knew I wanted to wear jeans and a tee, but somehow ended up looking like a put together 8-year-old. I bought my shirt at the gift store outside of the Toy Story ride when I went to the Disney’s California Adventure. When Toy Story 3 came out last year, I was soooo excited that there was going to be a  little unicorn! When I saw the shirt with Buttercup on it, I knew I had to have it.

Jen and I now have BFF toys! She said, “It’s perfect how my favorite is Buzz and yours is Woody: you complain a lot and I’m annoying!” It’s kind of true too. x__X

outfit details:

  • cardigan: Old Navy
  • shirt: Disneyland Resort
  • camisole: Kirkland
  • pants: ???
  • necklace: Swarovski
  • bracelet: Coach
  • shoes: Avenue