out & about

Strike Two

The mini holiday con that took place on Sunday didn’t go as well as I hoped it would — I didn’t sell anything. Not even ONE piece. I have to admit, I was a bit hesitant about doing the show because it coincided with a women’s basketball game rather than just being an event on its own like it was last year. And I wasn’t sure if it was publicized well enough (it wasn’t). Plus sports and nerdy things don’t exactly go hand-in-hand. I’m almost certain that if it was a quidditch match, the turn-out would’ve been a lot better. The circumstances for the event left other vendors quite dry as well, so I at least know that I’m not the only one.

But still, I went into it being hopeful. That’s all you can really be when you put yourself out there: hopeful. So I’ll keep looking at other venues to further expose myself and my geeky baubles and hopefully find success somewhere. Until then, there’s always the internet!

Take a look at my Etsy store to see if there might be any pieces you’d like to get for the geek(s) in your life this holiday season. 🙂
