5 fandom friday · out & about

5 Fandom Friday: Conventions I Wish To Attend

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This week’s 5 Fandom Friday prompt is about one of my favorite things: CONVENTIONS!!! I’ve been lucky to go to a few — some big, some small, and some multiple times — such as San Diego Comic-Con International, WonderCon (but only when it was in San Francisco), Anime Expo, Stockton ConSac-Con, and BookCon. One of my favorite things about going to conventions are all the artists and small brands. I remember when the Tokidoki booth wasn’t always flooded, and you could actually just go up to Simone Legno and say, “Hey!” Gone are those days. But still, I think it’s so cool to watch these companies and artists grow more and more each year I go! 🙂

SDCC circa 2008 when I was hella into Tokidoki

There’s a plethora of different conventions going on all year, and so little time (and definitely little money) for me to get to them! But here are the top 5 I’d love to go to one day:

1. D23 Expo

This is a definitive DUH. A convention dedicated to all things Disney? YES PLEASE AND THANK YOU. No need to further explain my extreme desire to go.

2. Star Wars Celebration

See explanation for D23 Expo, but replace Disney with Star Wars.

3. Gallifrey One

A convention dedicated solely to Doctor Who! Same explanation as #2, but this time replace Disney with Doctor Who. 😉

4. New York Comic Con

I’ve heard really great things about NYCC, and a lot of the people I follow on social media always post pictures every year and it just looks like so much fun!

5. Geek Girl Con

A convention that celebrates my tribe! I don’t remember how I heard about Geek Girl Con, but I remember looking into being a vendor a couple years ago, then deemed that would be a bit much since it’s all the way in Seattle. I’d love to just go as an attendee though and be amongst all my fellow lady geeks. 🙂

Me & Nathan Fillion circa 2009

What conventions are you aching to go to? Lemme know in the comments!


To find out the origins of 5 Fandom Friday, go here. And check out The Nerdy Girlie and SuperSpaceChick to catch up with the latest prompts! 

7 thoughts on “5 Fandom Friday: Conventions I Wish To Attend

  1. We share a few want-to-gos, but I guess I have less of an excuse with the Disney stuff because I’m in SoCal! Looking into Geek Girl Con though. Sounds fun!


  2. Star Wars convention, please! And the Geek Girl Con sounds awesome. Also, I’m super jealous of you for attending San Diego Comic-Con International. 🙂 I’ve been trying to get tickets for years, without any luck!


  3. My pants just exploded when I saw that picture of you and Nathan Fillion. You’re so lucky to have so many fandom-specific cons in the states. In Australia our cons tend to be fairly general, although there are some more manga-centric cons that run each year. It would be awesome to attend a Dr Who or Star Wars convention. And Disney? Don’t even get me started!


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