bloop · geek style

Guest Post on Chocolate & Cream Cake!

Happy Friday everyone!

I just wanted to let y’all know that Mandy over at Chocolate & Cream Cake invited me to write a guest post for her nerdtastically awesome blog! The piece I did was for her ‘Fictional Fancies’ series, so I wrote about my childhood crush: Prince Phillip from Sleeping Beauty. To celebrate, I’m rocking the Sleeping Beauty pullover Tim bought me for my birthday today. Ooooh yeah! By the way, I seriously only wanted it because Phillip is on it. And when I went to Disneyland in March, I bought Tim a shirt with Prince Phillip on it that says “Sorry Girls, I’m Taken” and made him wear it while I wore this pullover. And there’s totally photographic evidence of it . Oh, how I love my boyfriend for being a trooper. ❤

You can read me gush about my animated lovah here.

Do any of you have a crush on an animated character or a fictional person? You can message Mandy about writing a guest post for her ‘Fictional Fancies’ series too! Check it yo.


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